NY lefties face own ‘Bay’ of Reckoning after Boudin voted out


San Francisco voters just gave George Soros-style law enforcement a swift kick where it hurts. Here’s hoping New York Democrats were paying attention.

And here’s especially hoping Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg took note of the defenestration of Frisco DA Chesa Boudin in a recall election Tuesday.

The lesson being that you cannot have law without enforcement — not in any meaningful sense. Plus that sooner or later even voters in hard-left precincts like San Francisco get a belly full.

Full of crime-ridden, vagrant-infested streets. Of random, often lethal violence. Of slow-motion looting by “shoplifters.” Of public spaces turned into permanent, open-air shooting galleries and lunatic asylums.

Occasionally voters do something about all that — which, in Boudin’s case, was to kick him to the curb. Three cheers for the City by the Bay.

Boudin’s problem, and San Francisco’s, was his true-believer embrace of the Soros Doctrine — that when local prosecutors disengage, criminals come to their senses and begin to behave themselves. It’s nonsense on stilts, of course, yet lefties lap it up.

But the subversive billionaire has lavished vast sums on district-attorney elections across the nation — and radical DAs in now-violence-wracked, chaotic cities like Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Chicago have shared in the boodle. As has Bragg — who scored a reported $1 million in Soros dough last year.

And Bragg didn’t disappoint his patron. Within days of taking office in January, he made it clear that he had no interest in minor crime and that he would do his best to “decarcerate” New York. That is, jail was to be for murderers, if that couldn’t be avoided — but hardly anyone else need worry.

San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin
Boudin was criticized for his soft-on-crime stance in the Bay.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Public response to this was caustic, especially after two young cops were murdered in late January, and Bragg hasn’t had much to say about it since. But it remains clear that his first loyalty is to Soros, not to the people of Manhattan.

So despite the best efforts of Mayor Adams, New York is riding a violent crime wave that has yet to crest — and responsibility for that resides in no small way with Bragg, his ideological allies in Albany and the New York City Council.

And, of course, with the New York County electorate. Just as San Francisco voters are notoriously fond of hard-left elixirs, Manhattan loves them, too.

No recalls in NY

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has also been criticized for his soft stance on crime.
Gabriella Bass

The difference is that Californians can arrange do-overs when they make mistakes, and New Yorkers cannot. So Alvin Bragg, no matter how much damage he does, will never experience Chesa Boudin’s current humiliation — a successful recall.

For better or for worse. Elections really should have both finality and consequences; the former promotes stability, and the latter teaches valuable lessons.

But seeing a lout like Boudin get his just desserts while staring at another 42 months of Alvin Bragg, no matter how many New Yorkers are shot dead by people who should have been behind bars, is frustrating.

It is true that New York governors can remove DAs from office — but so far Kathy Hochul hasn’t had so much as a harsh word for the Manhattan DA. So that’s unlikely.

And it also is true that every Republican running for the right to oppose Hochul in November is pledged to bounce Bragg at the first opportunity; so is Rep. Tom Suozzi, a candidate in the Democratic primary. This arguably is a reasonable position, but more likely it’s an effort to frame crime as a premier campaign concern.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that. At all.

Crime, aggressive vagrancy and publicly expressed, often lethal, mental illness are at or near the top of everybody’s issue list. Candidates who target the elitist arrogance in the Soros/Boudin/Bragg approach to public disorder are likely to prosper.

And those who don’t won’t.

Chesa Boudin didn’t, and he’s out of a job.

Let that be a lesson to Kathy Hochul, who’s trying to keep hers. And to Alvin Bragg as well.

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